Feeling Bloated?
Here's a list of 6 bloat busting foods to help you loose the bloat and feel better:
While sodium can cause water retention, potassium has the opposite effect, helping you appear slimmer. Bananas are known as a great source of potassium, but avocados actually have much more of the mineral.
Whole Wheat Tortilla
Insoluble fiber, the kind found in most whole grains, like brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and whole wheat bread (as well as fruits and veggies) acts like a broom in your digestive tract, sweeping the contents through and keeping everything working smoothly. Strive for 25 grams of fiber a day—increase intake gradually.
The probiotics in yogurt help reduce swelling and inflammation, and improve digestion. Stick with an unsweetened, lowfat Greek-style yogurt, which offers more protein and fewer refined carbs.
Along with peppermint tea and ginger, fennel is a superstar when it comes to aiding digestion. It soothes the smooth muscles of the bowel, minimizing swelling. Fennel is rich in potassium and a phytonutrient called anethole, which may also reduce inflammation in the stomach and elsewhere in the body.
My favorite recipe for fennel is:
Slice fennel lengthwise, then crosswise. add 2 tbsp capers, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 1 large garlic clove chopped. toss with a hand full of mint leaves and season with salt and pepper.
When you're dehydrated, your body retains fluids, causing you to look like you've gained a few pounds. Drinking unsweetened, no-calorie liquids, like water and tea, is beneficial, as is eating water-packed, low-acid fruits and vegetables. Melons, cucumbers, and lettuces are all high in water and low in acid, and trick your body into releasing some of its stored fluid.
Dried Plums
Dried plums and plum juice (100% pure) are naturally rich in potassium and sorbitol, a digestive stimulant that draws water into the large intestine. This helps promote bowel regularity.
Sooo, what we're saying one more time is EAT YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES! Apparently being "regular" is kind of a big deal! :)