These cocktail-party standbys are easy on the waistline, heavy on the health benefits.
Working as a vitamin booster, red peppers are low in calories but packed with essential nutrients and water.

Lean protein in shrimp helps turn off your body's hunger mechanism.
Broccoli works as a portion controller, bursting with fiber broccoli helps fill you up so you eat less.
The fat in mozzarella slows the absorption of alcohol in the bloodstream causing it to work as a booze buster.
Watery foods help stave off hydration. Red grapes are also loaded with antioxidants.
Watch the clock: If you're the host, do your guests a favor and bring out dinner around 7. If you're a guest, be mindful of the 20-minute phenomenon. People are more likely to overeat during the first 20 minutes after they arrive, out of nervousness. So settle in before taking a bite- you'll eat less and enjoy it more.
Plate wisely: Enjoy a few forkfuls of your grandmother's noodle kugel and a few bites of your aunt's sweet-potato casserole. Just don't plan on polishing off a full plate of either. Approach holiday buffets with the idea of sampling everything. And be a picky eater. If you're nibbling that pasta salad just for the marinated artichokes, leave the fusilli, olives, and extra calories behind.
Save the best for last: The dessert table is the bete noire of holiday food situations. Time tested advice? Be the last person up there. Not only will it give you time to think about which sweet treat you're really craving, but the picked-over spread will be less appetizing (and you'll be less likely to overdo it).
At the Party: Be Selective
The food will be plentiful; the drinks will be flowin'. But with a little preparation, there's a way to enjoy the night without totally blowing your stay-fit diet.
Pre-Party with Food: Have a protein-rich mini meal beforehand, like a grilled chicken salad or some sashimi. Clear soups are ideal. They're satisfying and fill your stomach in a way that little bites won't.
Be an hors d'oeuvres snob: Most appetizers (cubes of yellow cheese, pigs in a blanket) are like reruns of A Christmas Story: You've seen them before, and you'll see them again. So fill up on safe bets, like crudites or shrimp cocktail, and hold out for truly special treats, such as caviar blini or foie gras sliders. Go for the worthwhile indulgence, not the cheap waste of calories.
Dress Sexy: Choose close-cut pieces, not sacklike ones. A body-conscious dress will make you think twice about reaching for seconds. Even the right bag helps. A clutch will busy your hands and keep from dive-bombing passed appetizers.
Happy Hoildays!
this article is taken directly from in style magazine. you should cite it!