
Building A Better Body To Live In

Have you ever remodeled a part of your home? Added new flooring? New appliances? Think about how long that takes; how much money and time is spent perfecting your project. 

And when it's finally finished, how amazing it feels to step a single foot in that new space! 

Now think about your body. This is what we "live in" every second of the day,  yet we don't spend much time "remodeling" this space! We expect to see results overnight, when we all know that's not how it works. We get frustrated and give up too easily! 
It takes time to perfect a project, even if that project is your body. 

 From what we eat to how often we exercise, every little detail makes a difference in our final outcome. 

Remember, you're building a better body to live in!

It can feel like you're at a stand still at times, but remember be persistent! You only get one body after all, and you can't just move into a better floor plan later in life! 

Don't give up- one day you will step into your new "home" and it's going to feel amazing!!

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